EU is planning to merge with EEC

Eurasian economic union, called the successor of the Customs Union, will act in the unified rules of trade. Recently it was reported that the European Union agreed to create a free trade zone with the EEU. In this case, it is going to be a long-term cooperation.  The initiative belongs to Russia, and its prospects […]

Tour guides in Riga must undergo the certification

Riga was declared as the European Capital of Culture, so in expectation of increasing the number of tourists new rules are entered into force for guides. Now they are required to be certified. The deputies of the Duma Committee of Riga already approve proposals.  For now, only people who are professionally trained and are constantly improving […]

Rosselhoznadzor and supply constraints of fish and dairy products

Recently in Berlin was held an agricultural exhibition “Green Week – 2014”. Under this project, was held a business meeting of agriculture ministers of Estonia and the Russian Federation – Helir -Valdor Seeder and Nikolai Fyodorov. The delivery of fish and dairy products were discussed in the light of the recent restrictions imposed by Rosselhoznadzor. […]