ЕАС marking
EAC marking is a conformity mark put on products (or packing, label, regulatory documents) to indicate approval of the product by requirements set by law. Apart from safety and quality...
According to the EEC board decision No 88, accepted on the 16th meeting, a bill for partial changes in customs tariff accepted in the Customs Union was approved.
The following types of fuel will be imported under new HS codes:
Instead of HS code for petrol with octane number, less than 95 two new HS codes were introduced: 2710 12 412 0 and 2710 12 413 0. Under them petrol having octane number equal to 80 and 90 and more will be imported into the CU.
HS code for diesel fuel that contain 0,05% of sulfur or less was changed into five HS codes:
The new HS code for vessel fuel is 2710 19 426 0.
The above Decision also approves duty rates for the listed types of fuel that is 5% of their customs value.
Decision No 88 will come into force on July 11, 2014.