Rostechnadzor understands permit since January 01, 2014 an expert review on industrial safety. It contains experts’ conclusions on compliance of hazardous facilities (hereinafter – HF) to industrial safety requirements upon carrying out check.

Till January 01, 2014 the economic agents concerned issued permit for usage. The new version of law No 116 “On industrial safety of hazardous manufacturing facilities” discontinues the requirement for issuing these documents.

Objects and terms of carrying out expert review on industrial safety

According to article 13 of Federal law, No 116 industrial safety review is to be carried out on

  • documents for mothballing, liquidation of HF;
  • documents for reequipping HF if these are not included into the set of design documents subject to review;
  • technical devices and equipment working at HF, in some cases those listed in article 7 of FL No 116 unless other form of checking compliance is set for them;
  • buildings and constructions at HF, erected for storage of raw material and finished products, carrying out technological processes, moving cargo and people, recovery from or management of accidents;
  • industrial safety declaration that is made in the process of developing documents for re-equipment (unless it is included into the set of design documents subject to review), liquidation and mothball of facilities;
  •  justification of safety of HF and its change. According to article 1 of FL No 116, this document contains data for assessing accidental risk, list of terms for safety usage of hazardous facilities, requirements for their usage, overhaul, liquidation and mothball.

Rostechnadzor permit (experts review) for equipment used in HF is issued mandatory in the following cases:

  • preparing equipment for start-up. Commission of devices and machines without Rostechnadzor’s permit is forbidden;
  • end of equipment lifetime;
  • exceeding the indicated load cycles on the equipment;
  • equipment is used for more than 20 years and the accompanying documents have no information about the lifetime;
  • introducing changes to construction design, recovery of devices, changing load-bearing units.

Buildings and constructions review is carried out:

  • prior to commissioning;
  • after lifetime is over;
  • after buildings or constructions have experienced the impact of human or natural factors;
  • by Rostechnadzor order.

Procedure of carrying out review for industrial safety

According to article 13 of FL No 116 the review can be carried out and Rostechnadzor permits (expert reviews) can be issued by organizations having respective license.

Procedure for carrying out review is regulated by Rostechnadzor order No 538 issued on November 14, 2013 and consist of several stages:

  1. Collecting proofing and regulatory documents.
  2. Appointing experts.
  3. Carrying out review. By review is understood assessment of trustworthiness of the submitted documents and their compliance with effective legislation, carrying out tests on the equipment, assessment of managers and staff at HF competence, check of buildings and equipment conditions, availability of instructions and regulatory documents for industrial safety, as well as identification and marking systems of facilities under control, meeting the requirements of recordkeeping by authorized employees.

Rostechnadzor permit (expert review on industrial safety) is issued if conformity of hazardous facilities to regulatory requirements was confirmed. The permit will come into effect upon being added to a Single register.